4.2. PROTOTYPING05/17/2014

STENCIL PAINTED WITH EMBROIDERY: Here’s a design suggestion (very rough) showing a tree – the trunk would be applied as a stencil with paint and the top would be appliqued (fabric sewn on) with the machine embroidery. The embroidery frame is shown in the picture so that you can better grasp the limitations of the frame. This would be a possible design for a kid’s t-shirt. .
EMBROIDERY WITH FREE SEWING: Here’s a possible design for a man’s t-shirt. The area inside the embroidery hoop would be stitched on the machine and the area indicated by the black lines would be later applied with free-hand embroidery, connecting the stripes to the neck opening of the t-shirt.
EMBROIDERY WITH REVERSE APPLIQUE (cutting fabric away): Here’s a possible design for a women’s t-shirt. The flower petals that are only outlines would be cut out to reveal a different colored fabric behind the t-shirt fabric. The rest of the design would then be embroideried with stems, leaves and other flowers.
Four Perspectives
Here are four different perspectives of an armchair.